Koch Media Sega Megadrive Classics Xboxone

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      FIBRA 300Mb + 80GB por 35€/mes

      • 300MbFibra
      • 80GBDatos móvil
      • IlimitadasLlamadas
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      En un plisplás

      Guarda la partida en cualquier momento. Rebobina cuando tengas algún contratiempo. Personaliza tus controles. La mayor colección de clásicos retros en un solo pack.Incluye póster de doble cara: Streets of Rage y Golden Axe.Listado completo:Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle/Alien Soldier/Alien Storm/Altered Beast/Beyond OasisBio-Hazard Battle/Bonanza Bros/Columns/Columns III: Revenge of Columns/Comix Zone Crack Down/Decap Attack/Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine/Dynamite Headdy ESWAT: City Under Siege/Fatal Labyrinth/Flicky/Gain Ground/Galaxy Force II/Golden Axe Golden Axe II/Golden Axe III/Gunstar Heroes/Kid Chameleon/Landstalker/Light Crusader Phantasy Star II/Phantasy Star III: Generations of Doom/Phantasy Star IV: The End of the Millennium/Ristar/Shadow Dancer: The Secret of Shinobi/Shining Force/Shining Force II Shining in the Darkness/Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master/Sonic 3D Blast/Sonic Spinball Sonic the Hedgehog/Sonic the Hedgehog 2/Space Harrier II/Streets of Rage/Streets of Rage 2 Streets of Rage 3/Super Thunder Blade/Sword of Vermilion/The Revenge of Shinobi ToeJam & Earl in Panic on Funkotron/ToeJam & Earl/Vectorman/Vectorman 2/Virtua Fighter 2 Wonder Boy III: Monster Lair/Wonder Boy in Monster World.

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      Koch Media Sega Megadrive Classics Xboxone

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